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A cynical bit of received wisdom dating back well into the Big Three broadcast era goes something like this: "If you're not a paying customer, 你就是产品.“今天, 这种说法已经从诙谐的评论变成了赤裸裸的真理, 虽然服务条款里写得很隐晦. Social network-focused video hosts can be outstanding for managing a school's identity and for reaching the broadest audience, 但它们也带来了一些问题. 例如, 视频结束后, the platforms may recommend other videos that are inappropriate or contrary to the school's messaging. 也, the platforms are designed to collect and use data for their own purposes when the school community interacts with them. When schools transition from free video hosting to a video management system (VMS) that they either pay for or self-host, the primary motivation is often to provide students and teachers with a video streaming option that doesn't intermingle student educational activities with their nascent consumer data.

Easily managed control over viewer access is one advantage to adopting a video platform; control over student data is another. Any video platform that's suitable for a school would have integrations available with the school's single sign-on solution or, 更典型, via the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard within the school's learning management system (LMS). 后一种解决方案, 特别是, is ideal for constraining access to videos to students enrolled in a specific course. Students and teachers are entitled to an expectation of privacy from people who are not in a course 但 not necessarily from students who are also enrolled in the course, similarly to how a physical classroom establishes privacy expectations. 这对于保护教师的讲课视频内容很重要, 但, 更关键的是, student privacy when it comes to any video upload activities that are assigned. 完成他们的作业, students shouldn't be required to put video of themselves on the public web, 它可能会以各种令人不安的方式被滥用.

Another sort of control is the ability to update content without having to update the HTML embedding the content. 事实上, this was the killer feature that led me to adopt a VMS for the school I worked at over a decade ago. It's to be expected that a course's lecture on a particular topic will be updated as new facts are learned or examples become outdated and unrelatable. It's convenient to be able to update the video entry in an LMS without having to find and replace every instance of where the video had appeared (as you would if the new version of the video were simply a different video as far as the URLs to load it are concerned).

这些是必需品, plus a contractual commitment by the vendor to provide accessible user interfaces in the LMS and video players, along with a workable solution for delivering video captioning and other accessibility metadata.

除此之外, the video platforms differentiate themselves by how well they handle the idiosyncratic needs of different schools. Does your school have plans for fixed-camera lecture capture in classrooms? You must assess the long-term costs and sustainability of the lecture capture hardware the VMS interoperates with and how conveniently its solutions work. Does your school want the VMS to also manage digital signage displays and other mass communication? Does your school want the video platform to stream live athletic and other extracurricular events?

最终, 成本将是最重要的评价标准, 特别是 hidden costs to support ingesting your existing content and egressing content from the platform when you decide to part ways. 如果平台成本随着使用而增加, 使用量如何计算?, 以及管理这些使用成本有多容易? 例如, 如果订阅费用的主要组成部分是基于存储, how easy does the VMS make it to find and purge older content that is no longer in use? 最后, it is advisable to reach out to peer schools that have already chosen a platform and decide what buyer's remorse your school is willing to tolerate.

[编者注:本文发表于11 / 12月刊。 流媒体 杂志的标题是“为你的学校精明”."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


想让你的视频看起来像《百家乐软件》的视频? Here are some tools and tips that will let you create a rotoscope version.


There's been a lot written about online educational video since the beginning of the pandemic, 结果令人惊讶, 虽然远没有定论.


Three transactions from the last year illustrate how educational video providers are capitalizing on trends in streaming media, 无论是针对电子学习还是更广泛的领域


面对面还是虚拟? 不再是非此即彼了, and schools and universities need to have clear strategies for delivering hybrid education to their students.


Ohio State's Scott Nelson and DiscoverVideo's Rich Mavrogeanes discuss how pivots to online learning necessitated in both K-12 and higher-ed during the pandemic proven the concept, 培养持久的新技能, 并暴露了潜在的系统性弱点, all of which will inform the hybrid educational future that lies ahead.


Educators learned a lot about video learning over the last 18 months. 大多数学校将在今年秋天重新开学, how do you integrate those new skills and techniques into the physical classroom?