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There's such an inevitability about 8K UHD content going mainstream that discussions about it are now are invariably sanguine about 12K, 16K, 及以后.

“8K开始站稳脚跟,尼克·瑞恩, MainConcept的产品营销主管, 在mainconcept主持的节目中说道 网络研讨会. "It can be easy to get overly focussed on the technical hurdles but we need to remember that long ago the idea of 4K was scary. 如今,该行业已将其视为游戏规则的改变者. I have no doubt we will be having the same concerns about 16K and looking back at 8K as a gamechanger."

8K产量即将崩溃, and the distribution challenge is also being solved thanks to new compression and processing techniques.

克里斯·钦诺克(Chris Chinnock)是该组织的执行董事 8 k协会美国的8K生态系统正在不断扩大. These include flagship 8K TVs from all the major brands and next-gen games consoles supporting 8K playback (even if there may not be many 8K games initially).  YouTube和Vimeo上有成千上万的8K视频, 大多是缩略形式或野生动物, 用4K的方式播种8K. 8K的生产工作流程被理解为类似于2K和4K.

“有一些痛点,”Chinnock说. "You need more processing power, memory, and storage, and transport will always be an issue. 但你猜怎么着? 这些问题与我们在4K中遇到的问题完全相同. The bottom line is that the 8K ecosystem looks similar to how 4K did seven years ago. 我们将看到8K的历史重演."

日本NHK从2018年12月开始播放8K, encoding in HEVC at 80Mbps to 100Mbps and using up an entire satellite transponder.

"They have proven it can be done but it's not commercially viable," Chinnock said. “我们将不得不转向更主流的带宽. 20Mbps到30Mbps,直到50Mbps是合理的部署."

幸运的是, 这是可以实现的,这要归功于新的编解码器,包括HEVC, VVC, EVC, 中国的LCEVC和AVS3, 以及“智能流媒体”."

Chinnock解释, "Smart streaming is intended to encourage content to be mastered in 8K and then smartly downscaled to a 4K resolution package with some sort of metadata, 4K分布, 并在接收上巧妙地升级到8K. 理想情况下,图像质量将接近原生全8K. 这正是8K协会希望看到的. 有积极的发展,但它需要培育."


MainConcept singled out LCEVC as the most interesting crop of current codecs. 标准的, 很快就会被MPEG批准, is compatible with other main baseline codecs and can immediately offer bandwidth savings.

V-Nova, the UK-based developer of the technology behind LCEVC, is a partner with MainConcept. Ryan shared preliminary test data from V-Nova demonstrating how an 8K file encoded in LCEVC-enhanced HEVC/H.265的比特率降低了45%,VMAF得分为90.

"For the VMAF score of 95, there was still very significant bitrate reduction,瑞恩说。. “这只是一个8K测试,但我们认为这是非常有希望的数据. 我们将继续努力将LCEVC集成到MainConcept SDK中." 

他认为HEVC/H.265 is most suitable for 8K today because of the billion devices enabled for HEVC playback in the market.

MainConcept claims its own HEVC software encoding algorithm is 20% more efficient compared to its open source equivalent.  “当你想到8K的大数据时, 任何文件大小的节省都会产生非常大的影响,瑞恩说。. The software also allows for 8K live streaming at 120 fps 4:2:2 10 bit for digital signage as well as broadcast application.

MainConcept also flagged what it called hybrid GPU acceleration as a way to further boost 8K streaming efficiency. "This allows you to dial in the best of both software and hardware encoding to accelerate the overall process by up to 2.5倍,”瑞恩说. “对8 k, this will save time and also makes things like archival and live encoding realistic and much more cost-effective."

为了证明这一点, MainConcept claimed that the cost of setting up 8K live encoding using its hybrid GPU technology and a basic hardware mix of Intel processors, Nvidia gpu, AJA捕捉卡将花费你8美元,000年现成的. Without using the hybrid GPU and instead running multiple CPUs and high-end Xeon Platinum processors the cost is more than double, 它说.

“我的结论是,这对工作室来说是不安全的, content suppliers and the tech suppliers that support them to build their workflow and tech stack based on current technology levels,瑞恩说。. "Really you need the flexibility to scale for the future without having to overhaul your production pipeline."


代表 三星, Des凯里, 他是公司电影创新部门的负责人, said capturing in 8K was the best way studios now had of futureproofing their content.

“在很长一段时间里,胶片是档案的黄金标准. Now for the first time we are able to capture at a resolution that is considerably higher than 35mm (he put 35mm at 5.6K). 这么说的话,拥抱改变是很困难的."

"Historically speaking the biggest changes in our industry have come from indie filmmakers who drive innovation to crate content. 更多的 indie filmmakers today are shooting at higher resolutions than studio projects."

他补充说, “从35mm胶片重新制作一部电影非常耗时, 价格昂贵,并可能增加人工制品和划痕. 有了8K的数据,更容易回到你最初拍摄的样子.

“对于8K数据,我们可以选择符合2K的标准, 4K or 8K and as AI upscaling becomes more robust we will see Hollywood blockbusters shooting at higher resolutions."

一个例子是 《百家乐app下载》 目前使用35mm和8K的Panavision相机拍摄.

"In 2020, 90% of the large VFX shows are working in 2K even if the final output is 4K DCP. At 三星, when it comes to displays, we are focused on the AI upscaling aspect. We want to work with the VFX vendors so that processing becomes more robust VFX will be able to turnover at higher rez.

"We want to work with video game developers so they no longer have to trade resolution for framerate. 我们正在努力寻找保持这两种愿望不变的方法."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Bitmovin's Paul MacDougall and 流媒体's Tim Siglin discuss benefits built into the AV1 codec that enhance the efficiency of 8K delivery, and what that means in terms of codec adoption and for CDNs and consumers going forward in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


使用更高质量的原材料, 新的内容形式可以形成, 从顶级VR到沉浸式现场观看活动, 随着家用电视变成巨型电视, 模块化, 墙上大小的观景台.


Akamai Principal Architect Peter Chave discusses bandwidth demands attendant to the inevitable (however unnecessary) arrival of 8K streaming in this clip from his keynote at Content Delivery Summit 2019.
