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How to Produce Remote Interviews With Telestream会合 in Wirecast 14.1


The COVID-19 pandemic brought the concept of remote production to the forefront for many producers. Although systems like Zoom and GoToWebinar provide an extensive range of functionality and ease of use, they lack customizability and the easy ability to syndicate to social media. 除了, the audio and video quality produced by these conferencing systems are often underwhelming, particularly for long-tail content that will hopefully outlive our memories of when in-person gatherings were illegal, 不明智的, 或两个.

通过它的交会功能, Tele­stream’s Wirecast was one of the first video mixers to enable completely customizable multiple-party conferencing, 正如我在 审查 回到2017年. 从那时起, 然而, Telestream has upgraded the feature’s functionality in several subtle but critical ways, 我将在本文中对此进行讨论.

我在为我的两位编辑担任制作人时创建了这个项目, Steve Nathans-Kelly和Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen. 我在弗吉尼亚州的办公室里开始了这个项目, 史蒂夫和埃里克在纽约和威斯康辛州的办公室, 分别. This is a workflow we plan to use for several upcoming interviews for broadcast on YouTube Live and/or Facebook Live.


在开始之前, let’s 审查 the high-level workflow for generating and providing a Rendezvous-based presentation. 首先,你将插入多个视频窗口到一个合成镜头. This means you’ll have to create a “shot” in Wirecast that combines the videos and other elements, 比如头衔. 你可以在左侧的镜头图层窗口中进行操作 图1(下面).


图1. 创建组合镜头来显示视频

如果你只有一两个演讲者, 就像我一样, 你可以使用Wirecast提供的标题模板, 在镜头图层窗口中间的那个白色小框是什么. This includes the white background/frame and titles, as shown on the right. 如果你有三个或更多的演讲者, 你必须创建自己的背景, which can be as simple as a black background and as complex as what you see on ESPN or the news channel of your choice.

您将使用中显示的控件 图2(下面) 大小和位置您的视频正确. 这有点辛苦, so you can (and should) create the shot and position the videos before you start your Rendezvous call. 您可以使用任何视频源, 比如网络摄像头, to perfect the positioning and then substitute the Rendezvous guest once he or she logs in.


图2. 使用这些控件来调整视频窗口的大小和位置以适应 模板.

一旦准备好了, you initiate the Ren­dezvous call and send your invitations following the procedures outlined in my previous
评估(go2sm.com/rendezvous). 从那里, it’s normal Wirecast operation: Configure your streaming endpoints and recorded files, 现场射击, 然后开始生产.

Note that the person driving the Wirecast controls can also participate in the conference. 而不是通过交会呼叫, 你可以将你的镜头设置为网络摄像头或通过相机和捕捉设备.



First, Telestream expanded the audio/video outputs you can send to your guests, as shown in 图3 (下图). Now, it can be the live output from the current production or any separate video or audio output. You can also send the live output—as well as a microphone from the producer—so you’re able to talk to the guests before and during the show. 客人们能听到制作人的声音, but that audio isn’t sent to the audience or included in the recorded feed.

Telestream Wirecast

图3. Telestream expanded the options for the audio/video you can send to your guests.

在演出前,我用这种方法与史蒂夫和埃里克沟通, 给他们俩发了我视频的摄像头这样我们就可以聊聊设置了. 然后, 我把他们的视频切换到实时输出,这样他们就能看到对方了, keeping the microphone audio channel open in case I needed to communicate with them during the show. 中显示的控件 图4(下面), you can even adjust the volume of the different feeds going to the guests, perhaps reducing the volume of producer instructions so they can still clearly hear comments from other guests.

Telestream Wirecast

图4. 在最新版本的Wirecast中, I can send the program feed out to the guests and add a microphone for comments the audience won’t hear.


进一步便利幕后沟通, Telestream还添加了专用聊天功能,如图所示 图5(下面). 您可以在每个会话的基础上启用或禁用聊天, and you can also choose to share or not share text comments made before the guest arrived—so you can make snarky remarks about late-arriving guests, 他们不会看到的. 所有的聊天都有客人的名字在颜色编码的评论上面.


图5. All guests can chat with each other and the producer via the new dedicated chat function. 

The final noteworthy new feature since my last look is the ability to store each incoming guest’s feed as an ISO (isolated) recording that you can use for subsequent productions, 例如他或她的评论的全屏摘录(下面的图6). 如果没有这个功能, the only way to present such an excerpt would be by using the combination video, 这是次优的. 与其他ISO文件一样, 您可以保存传入的音频, video, 或同时使用ProRes或x264格式, 都是未压缩的音频.


图6. 单独保存来宾输入 ISO文件

图7 (下图) 显示实际捕获视频的一帧. Note that the entire frame was 720p, since that’s the recommended resolution
用于Facebook Live. 视频质量非常好,音频质量甚至更好.


图7. 交会只是提供更好的音频和视频质量比Zoom, 进行交流, 以及类似的技术.

I’ve listened to my share of Zoom conferences and have edited dozens of recorded webinars. 而视频质量一般是可以接受的
重复使用,音频质量通常接近糟糕,而不是可接受的. Tele-stream的Rendezvous为你提供了一个更好的选择, and the features Telestream has added since my last look have made the product more capable and have simplified the production workflow.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Telestream Wirecast 16 and The Next Generation of Professional 在线直播 Software

Telestream最近发布了Wirecast 16. This demo highlights some recently released features that that Telestream believes will prove game-changers in live streaming production.

Telestream Talks无线广播齿轮,NDI支持,和PTZ相机控制

Telestream's Shane Scrimager walks 流媒体's Marc Franklin through key features of the Wirecast Gear including I/O, NDI支持, PTZ摄像机控制, and more in this interview from the show floor at 流媒体 West 2022.


The addition of Emmy-award-winning cloud media processing platform Encoding.com是Telestream的第13次收购. 交易的条款没有披露.


在网上NAB新闻发布会上," company says the new service combines the best of Telestream Aurora and Vidchecker technology.

Tutorial: Streaming Video 会议 with Telestream Wirecast Rendezvous

This tutorial details how to stream video conferences using the new Rendezvous feature introduced in Telestream Wirecast 8.