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Remembering Pixelon: A Former Executive Looks Back


Pixelon是在线视频历史上一个扭曲的篇章, 一家有风险资本支持的公司,由一个逃犯的首席执行官用偷来的技术创建. 这个故事太不可思议了,国家地理杂志把它列入了六集的系列节目 繁荣之谷. 阅读我们之前的专题,了解这个惊人的故事是如何被搬上银幕的. 

为了了解Pixelon的内部情况, we spoke to someone who worked through the worst of it: 罗伯特·费尔德曼 (右)作为首席技术官在公司度过了紧张的一年. 他告诉我们,迈克尔·芬恩(越狱的骗子大卫·金·斯坦利使用的化名)比什么都糟糕得多 繁荣之谷 描绘, 当他不往嘴里塞汉堡包的时候,他就会对他的员工大喊大叫. 

Feldman was there for key events in Pixelon's history, 包括它的第一个主要的现场活动(直播爱荷华州民意测验), 耗资数百万美元的盛大亮相派对iBash, 并从芝加哥高级股票公司获得了3000万美元的资金. He also told us about the late nights, 虐待狂的环境, and the time he needed to call in a SWAT team.  


流媒体: 首先告诉我们你以前做过什么,以及你是如何来到Pixelon工作的.

罗伯特·费尔德曼: 确定, so I was a vice president at a public company, an insurance company in New York state, and I ran IT and telecommunications facilities. 那是一家大公司. We had places all over the world. I came up as a tech through the ranks, 可以这么说, starting out in bio-medical engineering in hospitals. 原来我们买的一家公司是保罗·沃德的保险公司. You know the name Paul Ward in this story? 

流媒体: 不,我不知道. 

罗伯特·费尔德曼: 保罗·沃德在南加州拥有一家保险公司,他是Pixelon的早期投资者. He knew that Michael was not a stable character. 在Pixelon从Advanced Equities获得融资之前,他在公司的一次活动上遇到了我. 

他说:“你知道,我刚刚加入了南加州的一家公司. 你会反对搬去那里吗因为我很想带你这样的人来因为你是一个稳重的人知道怎么做事. 我们要筹集资金,我们要扩建总部. We need to build that out and build out a network."  

我去那里接受采访,会见了michael Fenne, Paul和其他一些人, Pixelon的投资者. 一切似乎都很美好. 他们给了我一个机会让我参与一些很酷的事情, because I loved video at the time. 那是1999年初. 我的妻子总是喜欢冒险,我的孩子们也不反对从纽约州北部搬到圣克莱门特. 它永远不会是永久的,但我说,“你想尝试一年?“他们都进去了. 我接受了这份工作.

Titles there were a little on the vague side. 这可能是迈克尔·芬恩的策略,让每个人都互相不和. I was supposed to be the chief technology officer, 但我不知道这个头衔是否能坚持下去,因为我一到那里就立刻发生了冲突.  

[When I started Pixelon was preparing for a] big event, the very first thing it was known for—the RNC event, the Iowa Straw Poll [which it streamed live online]. 它不起作用. I hadn't moved out to California yet; I had just taken the job and was packing up and getting ready to move out there when I got a call from Micheal Fenne at home saying, “我们遇到了问题. 你得把它修好." And I barely even knew what he was talking about. That was my first encounter with him. It set the tone for how he and I interacted.

我放弃了工作,搬到了加州,我的家人留在了这里. 我已经锁定了这份工作, 但Advanced equities——为他们筹集了3000万美元的公司——无法立即为他们提供资金,而Pixelon在拿到这笔钱之前不想雇佣我.

办公室只是圣克莱门特一个办公园区里的一个小洞. They had just taken the lease over for a much larger space. 我的第一个任务是把它建好,准备好让所有人都搬过去,因为现在资金已经筹集,闸门已经打开. They started hiring contractors without a building permit. 我要做的第一件事就是去圣克莱门特市恳求他们不要停止建设. 

There was a two-year-old running around the whole time. [芬恩的妻子]希拉和孩子实际上就住在办公室里. They never left Michael's side.

希拉只去过他们的公寓, which was just a couple miles away, 去办公室, 然后再回来. 他总是说她是摩门教徒,她的家人不赞成他,因为他是音乐家和中央情报局的间谍.

流媒体: What were your day-to-day duties at Pixelon? 

罗伯特·费尔德曼: I was responsible for building out the network. 我们建了一个玻璃房间,里面安装了华丽的服务器. 它们只是大型彩信服务器,我们有来自太平洋贝尔公司的光纤, and a decent amount of bandwidth. We could serve video files from there. And we were doing co-locations around the country. 这是99年. 阿卡迈确实存在. 我记得我和他们有过一次早期的谈话,但没有任何进展. There weren't a lot of options. 显然,它不像今天,有一个完整的生态系统可以工作.

One company built these servers on spec. We were putting them in all around the country. This all needed to happen prior to iBash. As soon as I got there we started hiring people. We had a really good bunch of guys. 我们中的很多人, 像我这样, 放弃工作和生活去那里,因为我们没有能力提前确定整个事情是错的.  

But those of us in the back, we knew it was wrong. 我到那里不到一周就去找保罗·沃德说:“迈克尔·芬恩不是你想的那样. He has no technical know-how." I could pick that up from him immediately. And all the techs knew he didn't know anything, 但是我们没有能力做任何事情,所以我们只是做了我们被告知的事情.

流媒体: 在你看来,管理或技术本身并非一切都很好,最初的迹象是什么?

罗伯特·费尔德曼: I had a couple of meetings with Michael. 你知道,当你和某人坐在一起时,他们会使用短语和流行语,而当你知道他们真正理解你在说什么的时候? We're talking about networking and infrastructure issues, 我看得出来,他以前从来没有做过这类事情. 我听起来有点生涩,但有人警告我说他很古怪.

但另一件真正让我害怕的事是他会在办公室的公共广播系统中播放. He would yell at people over the PA system. 我成了他最喜欢的代罪羔羊,因为我是那个必须让事情顺利进行的人. So when anything didn't work, 他会公开对我大喊大叫,说我要毁了公司,这都是我的错. 上来,你会被校长抽的. 诸如此类.  

That all started showing up immediately. He really loved the PA system. 我的妻子, 她记得我在去那里几天后对她说, "I think this was just an unfortunate mistake.“这家伙是个疯子,我不知道这是怎么回事。. 我不知道该说什么,但我想无论如何我们都得坚持到底."

事情就这样继续下去,非常疯狂,不理智. You had to work really long days. Michael wouldn't come in until almost noon. 他睡得很晚,然后在办公室工作到半夜. And nobody could leave unless he left. 事情就是这样发生的. 如果他在凌晨两点打来电话,他希望你在那里,或者无论你在哪里,你都会接电话. 

Michael Fenne interviewed by Chris Cuomo in an episode of 20/20 大约在2000年播出.

流媒体: What kind of a leader was Michael Fenne?

罗伯特·费尔德曼: It was through scare and fear that he led. Everybody was afraid of him. The people that had the most to lose, 低收入人群, they certainly thought this was just some crazy genius. The rest of us didn't know how he got to be where he was. 最可怕的是,他会开始通过扬声器对着人们尖叫,或者跑到办公室中央. 那是一个开放式的办公室,他会开始在大家面前对某人大喊大叫,然后发疯. 他整天都这样做.

流媒体: 如果他不是技术专家,那么他在工作到很晚的时候都在做什么呢?

罗伯特·费尔德曼: In hindsight, nothing, I would imagine. 可能是因为他看起来总是在吃东西. 他们在电视节目中对他很好,因为他在现实中是他的两倍大. 我曾经对希拉说,“你得做点什么,希拉. He's going to kill himself the way he eats.“他每天早上都要吃五份汉堡王的三份套餐. 让他坐在那里把东西塞进嘴里真是太恶心了. We all had to interact with him. He kind of made you do that.

流媒体: Tell me about the in-office prayer services.

罗伯特·费尔德曼: 我思想开放. 我觉得每个人都有权利做他们想做的事,这就是他的事. 我知道有很多虔诚的基督徒在那里工作. 他们被他吸引住了. 我想他在大家都去的教堂里见过很多这样的人,但那不是我.

发生了一件更糟糕的事情,这让我相信他可能是反犹太主义者. 当时正值赎罪日,这是犹太教最神圣的节日. I'm not a religious person by any means. 我更有文化, 但这是我每年唯一的假期,不管我在哪里,做什么, 我试着请一天假, mostly for my father and mother. 我说,可能在一个星期之前,我那天会休息,但我可能会在. If anybody needs me you just call me. So he went off on me in such a horrible, 恶狠狠地告诉我公司会因为我而倒闭, because he scheduled an important meeting for that day. 他从外面把人带进来,我需要在那里因为我是知道这一切的人. It was one of the worst things I had to deal with there.

这让我更富有了因为董事会后来给了我额外的股票因为他们不想让我起诉他因为我本可以起诉他的. 我确信赎罪日第二天我就会被解雇.

I went 去办公室 at three o'clock in the morning. 我正在复印所有的文件所有的东西我在想明天他们会解雇我我再也拿不到我的东西了. And I'm thinking this is like Tom Cruise in 该公司 他在大半夜的复印东西,因为他有案子要办. 我甚至不敢相信这一切会发生在我的生活中因为我是个很正常的人.  

流媒体: Let's talk about the technology itself.它到底起作用了吗?  

罗伯特·费尔德曼: 这是他如何获得数字运动编码器的故事. That was the on-demand stuff and yeah, there was some good encoding, 但它实际上只是在播放mpeg.

这家伙, Troy up in Northern California, he came up with the Pixelon player, but it was really a skin over Windows Media Player. 它取代了它的位置,你真的找不到Windows Media的迹象. They figured out a way to change the file name extension. So they weren't WMVs or anything common. 他们编造了这些延伸,并有一种掩盖的方法, 直到我在那里待了一段时间,弄清楚到底发生了什么,我才明白这一点.

从技术的角度来看,与其说它是一项发明,不如说是一项部署, 事实上,我们确实把这些服务器搬了出去,放在了很好的地方,我们有一个分布式的网络在工作,这是值得称赞的. 我们有一种存储文件和分发文件的方法, 我们当时正在开发一个非常酷炫的界面,用来挑选文件名. 这就是全部内容. 

有一次,我的任务是建立一个有20个工作站的编码实验室. We're going to be encoding seven days a week. 我说:“太好了. 这些内容现在在哪里?“嗯,我们还没有任何客户,但这是我们希望做的。.这是迈克尔·芬恩的口授:“这就是我要你做的。." Every encoding station was very expensive equipment. 在那些日子里,索尼的录音回放设备每台大约要3万美元. 一个大型的编码计算机和一个工作站,然后是一个人. And he wanted it to be staffed 24/7. 他们只是一遍又一遍地编码相同的内容,因为我们没有任何新的内容.

So I argued, "Well can I build out five?" "No.“这就是我开始产生冲突的地方,因为我试图把理由应用到事情上, which didn't really work there.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的一系列节目揭示了绝对真实的事实, incredibly bizarre story of Pixelon, the streaming video company that couldn't stream video.