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Sonic Foundry Announces 扩展视频捕获, 更深层次的LMS集成, 交互式的球员

Innovations drive rapid growth in enterprise video consumption and creation

佛罗里达州奥兰多. – InfoComm 布斯1829年; UBTech Booth 602 (2015年6月15日)

Sonic Foundry公司. (NASDAQ: SOFO), the trusted global leader for video creation and 管理解决方案, today announced new features to enhance Mediasite企业视频平台, the most complete and automated platform for creating, 出版, 企业视频搜索和管理. 
Updates include new hardware and software capture-solutions, deeper integration with leading learning management systems and a new 交互式的球员, all of which support explosive growth in user adoption. Mediasite content-creation is growing 49 percent year-over-year and viewership of Mediasite Cloud-hosted videos is up nearly 600 percent since 2013.
Sonic Foundry will be showcasing Mediasite this week at UBTech, 602号展位和InfoComm, 布斯1829年, 包括:
With an expansion of our award-winning capture tools, Mediasite provides organizations the tools and flexibility to ensure all valuable knowledge-transfer, 无论设置如何, 可以被捕获, managed and delivered with a single platform. 
Mediasite加入 – Cloud-based service to record and transcode single and multipoint H.323个视频会议与同步H.239的内容. Recorded calls are published to Mediasite Cloud or Mediasite企业视频平台 alongside other video assets
Mediasite抓 -易于使用, podium-based video capture software with automatic schedule-driven recording and a faculty-friendly user interface 
Mediasite多视图记录器s – Record, synchronize and stream up to four HD content sources, including three 1080p videos 
Mediasite RL100系列录音机s – Set-top appliance for on-demand content capture in –technology-light rooms by leveraging remote, 基于计划记录
我的Mediasite双视频捕捉 – My Mediasite’s Desktop Recorder supports dual-video capture — ideal for pairing screencasts or demos with speakers’ videos
“Mediasite has been the most automated and seamless capture solution for us. I see Mediasite加入 as a way to do the Mediasite Magic also with videoconferences. Dual full motion video, editing, secure playback, analytics. 都在那里. It’s always been possible to record video conferences with Mediasite but this is automated, and takes advantage of the Mediasite technology already present,索利夫·海伦说, 教育技术经理, UNINETT. 
Mediasite’s support of the latest Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard provides seamless integration with Sakai, Canvas, 黑板和Moodle, 给予教师和学生:
• Automated video 出版 that embeds video in any course
• Direct access to My Mediasite within the LMS to easily create, 上传, 分享和管理视频, 访问浏览活动和分析
• Mediasite Smart搜索’s advanced video search within any video lecture or course
Leveraging Player APIs, users can create a testing and assessment module which supports:
• Time-based questions and polls with real time feedback and results
• Analytics showing “are you there” validation 
“As universities and the enterprise are challenged to keep pace with the rapid acceleration of video creation, our focus is to provide them with new levels of flexibility, 可扩展性和控制. We have architected our solutions to transform the act of communicating into knowledge in a single step, and these innovations will help our customers more quickly realize the value of video through Mediasite,罗布·利普斯说, Sonic Foundry的执行副总裁. 
To read more about what’s new in Mediasite 7, visit
关于Sonic Foundry公司.
Sonic Foundry (NASDAQ: SOFO) is the trusted global leader for video capture, management and webcasting solutions in education, 企业和政府. 专利 Mediasite企业视频平台 转换通信, 培训, 教育和活动超过3,在60多个国家拥有超过5000名客户. Sonic Foundry is the leader in Aragon 研究’s Globe for Video Content Management, Frost & Sullivan’s lecture capture leader for seven consecutive years, a leader in Forrester’s Enterprise Video Platforms and Webcasting Wave and a challenger in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for enterprise video content management.