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电视2丹麦 Scales Streaming Service 电视剧 Using AWS


自从20世纪20年代电视问世以来, broadcasters have continuously reinvented themselves in the face of change ­­– from the analog to digital transition to the rise of connected TV (CTV). 后者促使广播公司喜欢 电视2丹麦 (TV 2) to expand its offerings to support live and on-demand content consumption across a range of CTV devices via services like 电视剧. 流媒体平台从400个发展起来,000到900多个,000 subscribers in just two years and is expected to reach 1.到2025年将有300万用户. Recognizing the importance of scalability and reliability in accommodating this growth, the TV 2 teams transitioned from on-premises to cloud infrastructure with the help of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This new foundation has helped TV 2 accelerate its transformation from entertainment provider to technological innovator.

“TV 2 is already integral to Danish households, so we wanted to be sure we had the right pipes in place to support our growth. AWS offerings are extensive and provide a strong shoulder for our team to stand on,拉胡尔·亚达夫说, 首席技术和数字官. “Our new infrastructure has helped our team establish a solid workflow and improve the viewer experience by enabling us to rapidly turn around frame-accurate live content for on-demand viewing, 所以我们的订阅者不会错过任何消息. It’s also allowing us to reach our goal of becoming a technical hub for innovation where bright minds in tech can thrive.”

TV 2的直播到视频点播工作流程利用 AWS Elemental Live video encoding technology to create a clean feed of broadcast content from an SDI source with SCTE 104 markers indicating program start and end timecodes. Elemental Live decorates the HLS manifest with SCTE35 markers it decodes from the SCTE 104 markers, 然后将提要写成HLS, an HTTP-based adaptive bitrate streaming communications protocol, to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). An AWSλ function parses the manifest and transfers segments between program start and end markers to another Amazon S3 bucket. 然后程序通过 AWS Elemental MediaConvert to deliver frame-accurate live-to-VOD assets.   

“TV 2 prides itself on delivering live and near-live content that brings us Danes together, and our technical teams and infrastructure play a big role in that. 更多的 than fifty percent of our customers are live users. 然而, when a viewer misses the evening news or the start of a major sports match at 5pm and wants to catch a replay, they need to be able to catch up as soon as possible. AWS allows us to deliver near-instant access to live content for on-demand viewing,” explains Rahul.

Generating VOD files previously took TV 2 up to three hours, 还有AWS, 它可以立即送达. The infrastructure has also helped TV 2 accelerate ingest and transcoding of new content libraries for its VOD platform while enhancing the overall quality of the content it distributes. 拉胡尔股票, “We’re increasingly transcoding large volumes of content from libraries we acquire and ramping up our video quality. 与AWS, we can make that content available via VOD more rapidly to improve the overall platform experience for subscribers.”

Since shifting to AWS, Rahul has also realized scalability, stability, and flexibility improvements. 他补充说, “生活就是生活。, 当你投资了体育版权, you can’t afford to have your service go down in the middle of a major match. 与AWS, we’ve achieved higher uptime, nearly 99.999%.”

Looking ahead, TV 2 will continue to focus on improving the subscriber experience. Rahul and TV 2 are exploring how to expand the use of machine learning and the tools AWS provides to improve custom viewer profiles and real-time content recommendations. 他总结道, “Our collaboration with AWS has grown significantly in the last two years, as we are implementing more parts of AWS Media Services. 我们才刚刚开始, and we expect to leverage more AWS services as we continue to expand our digital architecture.”  

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