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教程:使用Adobe After Effects CC和Bridge为您的文本添加生命

而After Effects可能会让一些Premiere Pro编辑望而生畏, here is an easy-to-follow workflow that can enliven your text and titles with pre-built animations found in Adobe Bridge, 在After Effects中应用了几个简单的步骤, 并直接导入到您的Premiere Pro时间轴.

Adobe After Effects是一个非常强大的程序,编辑经常会觉得很吓人. 在本教程中 I'll show you a easy-to-follow workflow that will enable you to take advantage of some pre-built animations that will allow you to add a little more excitement to the titles you deliver in your Premiere Pro edits.


  • 如何在After Effects中创建类型
  • 如何应用预先构建的动画与桥
  • 如何将动画类型导入Adobe Premiere Pro

The project I'll create in this 教程 was built on a MacBook Pro with OS X Mavericks, Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Bridge CC, 和Adobe Premiere Pro CC. You should already have these applications installed on your system if you're going to use this workflow.

让我们从看a开始 教程 我最近使用Bridge预构建的动画来创建文本动画. Rather than just using an ordinary cross-dissolve transition, the text fades in from left to right (下面的图1).

图1. In this example, the text fades in from left to right using a pre-built animation from Adobe Bridge. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

创建你的After Effects合成

The first step is to create a new composition in Adobe After Effects by clicking the button shown in 图2(下面). 打开合成设置对话框. 对于这个项目,我们将保持默认设置(下面的图3). 但即使你不想在这里做很多调整, you do want to make sure that your composition settings match your project settings in Premiere Pro.

图2. 创建新的After Effects合成.

图3. 合成设置对话框.

这将在After Effects中打开一个新的合成. Without delving too deep into After Effects, let's create some text by navigating to the T tool (下面的图4)在工具栏中. 选择水平文字工具,然后键入单词 你会学到什么? 在这个构图中.

图4. 选择水平文字工具.

你可以看到 图5(下面) 我们现在有一个标准类型的图层,上面写着“what you will learn”."

图5. 一个标准的文字图层,上面是我们输入的文字.

This 教程 will demonstrate an advanced method of adding a slider or jib effect to timelapse footage in Adobe After Effects CC 2014.
This 教程 demonstrates how to use an After Effects alpha matte to make your video "shine through" your text.
在本教程中,我们将学习如何使用形状图层进行创建, 定制, 并与Adobe After Effects CC 2015动画低三分之一的图形.
This 教程 demonstrates a versatile and flexible technique that will match animations between layers you choose to connect to enhance, 简化, 加速你的动画制作过程.
今天,Adobe宣布了将在NAB上首次亮相的所有Creative Cloud视频应用程序的更新. 以下是最新消息的详细内容, 加上四个关键的新功能的视频教程在Premiere Pro CC:主剪辑, 生活的文本, 掩蔽和跟踪, 以及新的4K格式支持.
在本教程中, 我们将看看如何与TechSmith Camtasia创建屏幕截图, and then import them into Adobe Premiere Pro to incorporate them into your existing Premiere Pro projects to create professional-quality instructional videos that seamlessly combine screencams and HD footage.
Here are three quick tips that will streamline your titling workflow in Premiere Pro when you create styles you like and want to use them consistently without reinventing them each time.
SpeedGrade的新speedlook, 面具跟踪在After Effects, 同步设置在Adobe媒体编码器, 改进的多镜头在Premiere Pro, 扩展的超高清/4k支持, 和更多的
Using Adobe Lightroom 5 to color-grade and apply metadata to DSLR video files is simple and efficient and can benefit live-switchers doing minimal edits, 编辑新手, 专业编辑探索非传统的工作流程.
Recent upgrades to Adobe CC make it easy to apply graded looks in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and match shots with different color temperatures via seamless roundtripping between Premiere Pro CC and SpeedGrade CC.
在最后一轮音频编辑冠军iZotope RX 3和Adobe Audition CC之间, 我们比较了两种音频编辑器的降噪和混响/回声减少.
在由两部分组成的系列文章的第一部分中, Jan Ozer compares the declipping and crackle and pop-removal features in iZotope's new RX 3 pro audio editor to the parallel features in Adobe Audition CC.
探索3个新的关键功能在试听CC, the newest version of Adobe's professional audio editing application: Sound Removal for eliminating hums and other variable-frequency unwanted noises, 响度雷达仪表,用于匹配和坚持广播音量标准, 和自动语音对齐ADR.
如果你发现自己不得不从Premiere Pro渲染多个序列, 有一种比使用Premiere Pro Export控件更简单的方法. 本教程将解释更容易和更有效的方式使用Adobe媒体编码器.
Here's a quick 教程 for Premiere Pro CC users on how to migrate encoding presets that you created to 定制 and streamline encodes in Adobe Media Encoder CS5/6 into Adobe Media Encoder CC so you can pick up right where you left off.
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Two types of noises degrade the audio you shoot with your video: random noises like microphone clicks and pops, 以及持续的噪音,比如白噪音或空调嗡嗡声. 本教程演示如何在Adobe Audition CS6中删除它们.