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Matrox Video Demos at InfoComm 2024 Will Showcase New AVoIP Products and Technology for Mission-Critical Environments

技术创新者 Matrox®视频 today announced that the company will highlight its leading AV-over-IP (AVoIP) technologies — including the brand-new, 新一代Vion AVoIP网关和Mura分布式视频墙设备

技术创新者 Matrox®视频 today announced that the company will highlight its leading AV-over-IP (AVoIP) technologies — including the brand-new, 下一代Vion AVoIP网关和Mura分布式视频墙设备-在InfoComm 2024, 6月12 - 14, 在拉斯维加斯会议中心. 参展展位:W1132, Matrox Video will demonstrate a comprehensive array of products for 网worked IP-based control rooms and other mission-critical environments, 以及现场活动, 并展示它们如何使用户能够通过IP控制KVM, IP流, 通过IP供电视频墙, 并实时响应关键事件.

“推动下一代AVoIP技术, 包括IPMX, Matrox Video manufactures the products essential to IP-based applications in mission-critical environments,斯皮罗·普拉加基斯说, Matrox Video的产品管理副总裁. “We’re excited to announce new products and showcase their critical capabilities in demonstrations at InfoComm 2024. 我们的新Mura分布式视频墙设备和Vion IP视频网关, 我们的视频编码器和解码器的范围, 转换器, IP KVM扩展和交换解决方案, 和视频墙产品可以通过IP实现无缝协作, 提高操作员的工作效率,为响应决策提供信息.”

高度可扩展, fully IP Mura distributed video wall appliance uses a serverless architecture and powerful web configuration tool for easy setup and operation and delivers PTP-synchronized and framelocked video to as many as 64 4K displays for the most demanding applications. 支持H.264和H.265比1比2.5 gb网络, 通过成熟的Matrox NetAPI进行控制, 每个Mura处理器可以以4:4:4的速度解码多达4个4Kp60流. 采用全新的Matrox Mura分布式视频墙电器, 系统集成商可以毫不费力地部署高密度, 具有成本效益的, 完全基于ip的分布式视频墙,减少了对额外硬件和布线的需求. The Mura DVW demo at InfoComm 2024 will feature a 5x3 video wall, powered by five Mura appliances. 总共有15个4K显示屏将被帧锁并完美同步, with the Mura appliances streaming content from a variety of sources including Matrox Maevex 7100 and Maevex 6100 systems, 以及新的Matrox Vion ip到ip网关. Video wall creators gain easy control with the Matrox NetAPI and Matrox MuraControl™ for Windows® 软件.

以下一代为基础, 它能激励体系结构, Matrox Vion solves the problem of moving from one IP video format to another and is the first Matrox Video product to support NDI. The Vion technology showcase in the Matrox Video booth will demonstrate how this new multi-purpose AVoIP gateway enables flexible, 简单的IP视频桥接和转换, 提高生产力,实现新的本地和云ip到ip工作流程. 作为IP-to-IP视频网关, Vion是现场制作和协作的理想选择, 支持4:4:4颜色和可选的SDI/HDMI I/O. Vion可以转换RTSP-H等格式和编解码器.264到NDI, NDI到IPMX, IPMX到SRT-H.包括通过SRT传输NDI,用于基于互联网的传输. 完美的最苛刻的AV应用, Vion保留桌面内容的细节与HEVC 4:4:4编解码器支持. 具有灵活, 低延迟多通道编码, 解码, 代码转换, 和处理, Vion支持色彩空间转换, 流协议和比特率的变化, 并传输多个并发流.

演示:Multi监控 IP KVM扩展和切换与矩阵Extio 3和KMLync
matrix Extio™3 IP KVM扩展器和 KMLync USB keyboard/mouse switch enhance operator efficiency by enabling remote 监控 and control of systems across a multi监控 workspace with up to four 4K or 16 full-HD displays. 在InfoComm 2024, Matrox Video will demonstrate its KVM matrix system over IP for multi监控 operator workspaces over 1-GbE 网works, 具有快速切换功能. 通过IP使用4K多视图, the demo also will show how users can visualize four video sources on a single 4K 监控 and control them with one keyboard and mouse, 无缝切换鼠标,实现更高效率.

演示:超低延迟流和记录与Matrox Maevex编码器/解码器
对流媒体和录制感兴趣的Pro-AV用户.264/H.265内容与超低延迟可以看到矩阵 Maevex 6100系列 和新的 Maevex 7100系列 编码器和解码器在行动. 支持单通道和多通道, 超低延迟, 低比特率, 高质量的, 同步流和记录, and zero-latency pass-through for real-time output of AV content in collaboration-focused environments, 这些Matrox产品使运营商能够将关键内容分发到任何位置, 从而促进更明智和准确的实时决策. Users can pair Maevex 6100系列 encoders and decoders to achieve full-frame synchronization from multiple sources. maevex捕获的流可以显示在Matrox LUMA pro支持的视频墙上.

演示:基于ip的视频墙与Matrox LUMA专业显卡
视频墙的创建者将会看到这是怎么回事 Matrox LUMA Pro显卡 生产多功能基带和基于ip的视频墙,具有强大的H.264/H.265年解码. LUMA Pro支持多达两个8Kp60,两个5Kp120,或四个5Kp60 DisplayPort™2.1监控, and users can combine cards for a high-density-output video wall of up to 16 synchronized 5Kp60 displays. Framelocking up to four LUMA Pro cards facilitates easy addition and synchronization of displays. Leveraging Intel® Arc™ GPU advanced media codec engines 和支持ed by Matrox Mura 软件 libraries, 这些卡使解码和显示超过40全高清流每卡. Also on display will be the new Mura C4K quad HDMI® capture PCI Express® card engineered for video-wall use cases that require high-density HDMI captures up to 4Kp60.

演示:视频制作, 路由, 和分布与矩阵ConvertIP编码器/解码器和转换器, 和传导信号路由
的Matrox ConvertIP IPMX/ST 2110系列编码器/解码器和转换器可互操作, 有成本效益的, 和可扩展的IP视频制作, 监控, 和路由. The ConvertIP demo at InfoComm 2024 will highlight the new Daisy Chain feature for flexible and redundant conversion and 监控 and low cost of ownership. 在现场生产应用中, 菊花链提高效率, 具有成本效益的 distribution of multiple streams of content throughout the physical environment. 结果是, 设施从任何活动的网络端口获得更多, 少使用网络设备, 并易于安装网络布线运行. 补充ConvertIP, 矩阵传导软件使信号路由发现成为可能, 监控, 并路由任何支持AMWA nmos的SMPTE ST 2110或IPMX设备或信号.

新系列的矩阵DSX ST 2110和IPMX网络接口控制器
Developers visiting the Matrox Video booth will discover the Matrox DSX LE5 D25 LP and DSX LE6 D100 网work interface controller (NIC) cards, 新增加的公司阵容的SMPTE ST 2110卡,电源灵活, 具有成本效益的产品,使广播和专业av行业转向IP工作流程. 提供多通道视频输入和输出(I/O)超过10/25/100GbE网络, 以及媒体处理丰富的Matrox DSX SDK, these new NIC cards allow equipment manufacturers to design any type of IP-based application from low-density HD/3G/4K and 8K workflows at the right price point within one SDK. IPMX也将支持这些IP卡提供RGB 4:4:4, 自定义的决议, 还有自定义帧率, all requirements for media server applications that drive large LED content for entertainment centers and virtual production applications. Developers are requested to book an appointment to review the Matrox Video ST 2110 and IPMX roadmap.

除了专注于为网络设计的产品, 基于ip的控制室和关键任务环境, Matrox Video将展示产品, such as the company’s popular Monarch EDGE remote production and contribution encoders and decoders and its NIC cards for ST 2110/IPMX, 适合专业av和广播应用. Experts on the booth will be available by appointment to provide a closer look at the Matrox Video ST 2110 and IPMX roadmap, 并讨论正在进行的其他2024年IPMX计划, including Matrox IPMX Smart Display Modules (SDM) for projectors and commercial displays; IPMX/ST 2110 IP-to-IP gateways to handle media/protocol/timing conversions including uncompressed/JPEG-XS and more; and Software IPMX products. Matrox Video products will also be included in a demo featuring 互操作性 with other IPMX products, 以及AES67器件, 在AIMS (IP媒体解决方案联盟)展位C6123.

有关Matrox Video及其产品的更多信息,请访问 video.matrox.com.

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Matrox Video是视频技术领域的全球领导者. 具有一流的硬件的完整组合, 软件, api, 和sdk, matrix Video支持oem, 系统集成商, 增值渠道合作伙伴, 和终端用户一起推动视频创新的边界. 为AV/IT服务, 广播, 在新兴市场发展了超过45年, 矩阵视频是质量的代名词, 表演, 互操作性, 和支持. Matrox Video的法人实体是Matrox Graphics Inc ..是matrix集团的一部分.